Dr. Susan Rako

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How Do I Know If I Have Testosterone Deficiency?

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Signs Of Testosterone Deficiency in Women

Contact Dr. Rako for your individual hormone consultation

Women can develop testosterone deficiency during the two to three years preceding menopause, but more commonly during the five years following. For some women, lack of sexual interest may occur suddenly, for others, the change may be more gradual. The average age for a woman at menopause is about 50. About 8 percent of all women have a full, natural menopause before the age of 40. Symptoms of testosterone deficiency can develop for these women as early as their mid-to late 30's.

Women who have had a hysterectomy, even if the ovaries have been left in place, are very likely to develop testosterone deficiency, and can benefit substantially from appropriate evaluation and supplementatation of testosterone.

Women who have had chemotherapy resulting in loss of ovarian function often develop testosterone deficiency.

Signs And Symptoms Of Testosterone Deficiency

Each woman must evaluate her sexual arousability in the context of
her physical, emotional, historical and relational circumstances. Some helpful questions to ask yourself if you think your body may not be producing sufficient testosterone are:

While there are many possible contributing factors to loss of sexual desire, unless you have enough testosterone, nothing else that you can do to improve your sexual sensitivity, arousability and pleasure will be effective.

Consult About Sex After Menopause & Testosterone For Women




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Susan Rako MD